New Dicamba Label Restrictions
Nov 01, 2020

If you haven’t heard by now, the EPA approved a label for over the top dicamba application for 2021 to 2025. This is a huge sigh of relief for a lot of people and makes choosing soybean seed a lot easier than it was looking like. With this label comes new federal restrictions, which some really aren’t that new to North Dakota. The interpretations of these new restrictions are something I think most people are still trying to figure out. I can’t give you cut and dry answers to what these restrictions mean but hopefully I can outline them and provide some useful information to you. Everything that I have read has pertained to Xtendimax, Engenia, and Tavium. I haven’t read anything about FeXapan. In this article, I’m going to focus on new restrictions on Xtendimax and Engenia.
The first change is the length of the label. Prior labels were only 2 years, but the new one is a 5-year label for both products. These labels are only for two dicamba tolerant crops, Xtend/Xtendflex soybeans and Xtendflex cotton. These products are not labeled for use in corn or cereals anymore. The maximum application rate was changed to 22 oz/acre for Xtendimax and 12.8 oz/acre for Engenia. Previously, we could use 44 oz/acre maximum in a pre-emerge situation for Xtendimax and 25.6 oz/acre for Engenia. I haven’t heard if the maximum yearly rate has changed or not. The June 30th or R1 application cutoff that we are used to is now a national cutoff for Xtendimax. Interestingly, the Engenia label does not mention a growth stage cutoff, just June 30th. The non-sensitive area downwind buffer has increased to 240 feet from 110 feet. The sensitive area buffer also increased to 310 feet downwind and 57 feet omnidirectional. That means if you are surrounded by sensitive areas, you have to keep a 57-foot buffer on all sides and a 310-foot buffer on the downwind side. The biggest changes are the required use of an approved pH buffering adjuvant, referred to as VRA (volatility reducing agent), and a DRA when using Xtendimax in all applications. Engenia only requires the use of a VRA in all applications. Now, I would imagine that in certain Engenia tank mixes, a DRA is going to be required. Training is still required and there will be some required education on the 2020 changes. The second biggest change isn’t to the label but how the EPA handles state 24c labels. The EPA no longer permits states to use the 24c local needs label to add further restrictions to the federal label. Instead, states will have to use the 24a label of FIFRA to impose further restrictions, which requires the restrictions to go through the state lawmaking process. States can only use the 24c label to create additional uses. I don’t know what all that means, but it doesn’t sound like its easier or state friendly, so we’ll see how that plays out.
I’m sure we’ll get more insight on how these new restrictions will work and what they mean. The big positive is we can spray Dicamba over the top this coming year. Hopefully there is more nationwide stewardship of this product. If you have any questions about the new label restrictions or anything else DT soybean related, give your local Allied Agronomy agronomist a call.
This article is an opinion and is not a base used to make trading decisions. Allied Companies or the author is not liable for trading decisions made based on the above article. Xtendimax is a trademark of Bayer Crop Science. Engenia is a trademark of BASF. Tavium is a trademark of Sygenta. FeXapan is a trademark of Corteva.
The first change is the length of the label. Prior labels were only 2 years, but the new one is a 5-year label for both products. These labels are only for two dicamba tolerant crops, Xtend/Xtendflex soybeans and Xtendflex cotton. These products are not labeled for use in corn or cereals anymore. The maximum application rate was changed to 22 oz/acre for Xtendimax and 12.8 oz/acre for Engenia. Previously, we could use 44 oz/acre maximum in a pre-emerge situation for Xtendimax and 25.6 oz/acre for Engenia. I haven’t heard if the maximum yearly rate has changed or not. The June 30th or R1 application cutoff that we are used to is now a national cutoff for Xtendimax. Interestingly, the Engenia label does not mention a growth stage cutoff, just June 30th. The non-sensitive area downwind buffer has increased to 240 feet from 110 feet. The sensitive area buffer also increased to 310 feet downwind and 57 feet omnidirectional. That means if you are surrounded by sensitive areas, you have to keep a 57-foot buffer on all sides and a 310-foot buffer on the downwind side. The biggest changes are the required use of an approved pH buffering adjuvant, referred to as VRA (volatility reducing agent), and a DRA when using Xtendimax in all applications. Engenia only requires the use of a VRA in all applications. Now, I would imagine that in certain Engenia tank mixes, a DRA is going to be required. Training is still required and there will be some required education on the 2020 changes. The second biggest change isn’t to the label but how the EPA handles state 24c labels. The EPA no longer permits states to use the 24c local needs label to add further restrictions to the federal label. Instead, states will have to use the 24a label of FIFRA to impose further restrictions, which requires the restrictions to go through the state lawmaking process. States can only use the 24c label to create additional uses. I don’t know what all that means, but it doesn’t sound like its easier or state friendly, so we’ll see how that plays out.
I’m sure we’ll get more insight on how these new restrictions will work and what they mean. The big positive is we can spray Dicamba over the top this coming year. Hopefully there is more nationwide stewardship of this product. If you have any questions about the new label restrictions or anything else DT soybean related, give your local Allied Agronomy agronomist a call.
This article is an opinion and is not a base used to make trading decisions. Allied Companies or the author is not liable for trading decisions made based on the above article. Xtendimax is a trademark of Bayer Crop Science. Engenia is a trademark of BASF. Tavium is a trademark of Sygenta. FeXapan is a trademark of Corteva.